Green Sea Turtle Fish That Eat Baby Sea Turtles


Once bounding main turtles reach sexual maturity, they may have an estimated reproductive life of nearly 30 years.

  • Light-green body of water turtles are the latest to mature and have an estimated reproductive life of about xix years. Since they may accept 40 years to mature, a lifespan of more than lx years is feasible.

Sea turtle swimming

Natural Predators

Adult sea turtles take a few predators, mostly large sharks. Tiger sharks, in detail, are known for eating sea turtles. Killer whales accept been known to casualty on leatherback turtles.

Tiger shark

Fishes, dogs, seabirds, raccoons, ghost crabs, and other predators prey on eggs and hatchlings. More than xc% of hatchlings are eaten past predators.

Ghost crab

Flatback turtle nests are susceptible to predation past monitor lizards, dingoes, and introduced foxes.


Bounding main turtles may develop wart-like tumors (fibropapillomas) on their skin and internal organs. These growths tin reduce vision, obstruct normal swimming and feeding and increase susceptibility to secondary parasitism and infection.

  • Fibropapillomas are most common in dark-green turtle populations (specially in Hawaiian waters), although other sea turtle species are also susceptible.

Fibropapillomas may be at least partially caused by sea pollutants. Unfortunately, a cure for fibropapillomas does non exist.

Green sea turtle with fibropapillomas

Natural Disasters

Hurricanes can severely impact ocean turtle nesting success. Almost 90% of sea turtle nesting in the continental U.S. occurs on Florida's beaches. Scientists estimate that more than half of the sea turtle nests on the coast of Florida were washed abroad by the four hurricanes hit the declension in 2004 and 2005.

During common cold water events, when coastal h2o temperatures suddenly chill to below ten°C (50°F), body of water turtles may become cold-stunned—floating at the surface and unable to swim.

Human Impact

Bear upon on nesting beaches.

  • Some people illegally collect turtle eggs for food and for their alleged aphrodisiac effect.
    • Kemp'southward ridleys mainly nest on a remote embankment in United mexican states nigh the village of Rancho Nuevo (about 161 km, or 100 mi., s of the Texas edge.) In 1947, scientists witnessed an arribadas of more than 42,000 Kemp's ridley turtles in one twenty-four hours.
      • In the 1960s numbers were reduced to less than 2,000 turtles. Although Kemp's ridleys were protected in 1966 by the Mexican government, the population still plummeted to 2,000 by the 1960s and to less than 300 nesting females by 1986.
      • Along with egg poaching and drowning in shrimp nets, coyotes and other predators also dug up many of the Kemp's ridley nests. Protective efforts involved protecting clutches of eggs, reductions and restrictions on shrimp trawling in the Gulf of Mexico, the use of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) in shrimp nets and a ban on bounding main turtle products in Mexico.
      • In 2000, the Kemp's ridley numbers began to slowly increase to a population of about 2,000 females nesting yearly on Mexican beaches, and an estimated 5,000 females in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Human being development projects such every bit bounding main walls, rock jetties, buildings and embankment nourishment (pumping in sand from the seafloor) on or near nesting beaches can reduce the amount and quality of available nesting habitats for sea turtles.
  • Hatchlings can become disoriented by city and street lights when trying to discover the surf. Many young turtles actually head abroad from the ocean and toward parking lots. These animals may be eaten by predators or crushed by cars. Some die from exposure.Some bounding main turtles die when they ingest trash.
    • Leatherbacks are especially susceptible to ingesting plastic, mistaking it for jellyfish.
  • Dissonance and activity on the beach also may cause females to return to the sea instead of nesting.
  • Since body of water turtle hatchling ratios are nest temperatures dependent, warming from global climate change could atomic number 82 to an increase in nest temperatures that volition bias the hatchling ratio towards females, produce all females, or even become high enough to prevent any of the eggs from hatching. In add-on, bounding main turtle nesting beaches could become scarcer with rising sea levels.

Line-fishing Gear.

  • Thousands of bounding main turtles drown in commercial shrimp nets each year. Shrimp nets accidentally entangle turtles that are foraging where trawlers are working. Since 1989, The states fishers are required to apply Turtle Excluder Devices in trawl nets, which tin can allow most turtles to escape.
    • Each year, about l,000 loggerheads and 5,000 Kemp's ridley sea turtles are killed in shrimp nets in U.S. waters.
  • Gill nets are nets designed to capture fish by their gill covers as they swim through the mesh. Unfortunately, these nets also, indiscriminately, entangle and drown sea turtles and other air-breathing ocean animals. While gill nets are banned from U.Southward. coastlines, they are all the same widely used in the waters of other countries. The only fashion to reduce sea turtle bloodshed in gill nets is for fishermen to use smaller nets and monitor the nets often.
  • Sea turtles are also often caught as bycatch (accidental, non-targeted catch) in longline fisheries. Longlines target commercially important fishes such as swordfish, tunas, and mahi mahi. They have thousands of hooks and stretch for miles in the bounding main.
    • Ane study estimated that in 2000, more than 200,000 loggerheads and 50,000 leatherbacks were accidentally caught in pelagic (offshore) longline fisheries.
  • The utilize of circle hooks (that are as well wide to fit in a turtle'due south oral fissure) instead of the traditionally used J-shaped hooks on longlines tin significantly reduce sea turtle mortality without negatively impacting catch of targeted fishes.

Sea turtle x-raySea turtle and removed fishing hook

  • When circle hooks are used with other fishing modifications, such as using dissimilar bait (fish instead of squid) or setting the longlines at deeper depths, the sea turtle bycatch tin be reduced by 90%.
  • Ghost nets, lobster trap lines and other types of lost or discarded fishing gear tin entangle sea turtles.

Deforestation may indirectly threaten bounding main turtle nests. Costa Rica has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Some researchers fear that without the woods to describe up footing water, the water table will rise beneath beaches and drown nests.

Propeller and standoff injuries from boats are not uncommon. These types of injuries are more than frequent in areas with a high level of recreational boating, such as southern Florida, the Florida Keys, and the United States Virgin Islands.


  • Some sea turtles dice when they ingest trash.
    • Leatherbacks are particularly susceptible to ingesting plastic bags, plastic pellets, and balloons—mistaking them for jellyfish prey.
  • Plastic debris tin block a bounding main turtle'southward intestines and reduce its power to eat. Sea turtles can likewise become entangled in ropes, plastic numberless, plastic six-pack holders, plastic tarps and even beach chairs. Debris enters the ocean from ships and from shore—blowing into the body of water from beaches and washing down waterways during storms.
  • You can aid sea turtles past making sure your trash is either recycled or disposed of properly in a trash receptacle. Too, whenever possible, choose reusable shopping bags. SeaWorld parks have discontinued the utilise of single-use plastic shopping bags. Instead, guests are offered low-cost reusable shopping bags or 100% recycled paper bags for their purchases.

Body of water turtles are hunted (illegally in this state and, in some cases, legally elsewhere) for their meat and shells.

  • Hawksbill populations declined steeply due to hunting for their stunningly-patterned shells, which are used to make combs, jewelry, eyeglass frames and curios. Fortunately, with an international ban on tortoiseshell products, hunting for hawksbill shells has declined. Yet, the trade in tortoiseshell remains a meaning threat to hawksbill populations.
  • The fat of green ocean turtles, boiled with cartilage, made a popular soup called calipee, which led to the reject in green bounding main turtle population numbers.

A more than contempo threat to sea turtles is oil spills.

  • Most 900 body of water turtles were visibly covered in oil equally a upshot of the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill during the Spring and Summer of 2010. Oil (and the chemicals used to disperse oil) tin be harmful to sea turtles in a number of ways.

Oiled sea turtle

  • Ocean turtles can accidentally ingest oil (or chemical dispersants) every bit they surface, which can potentially crusade ulcers, organ damage, injury to the gastrointestinal tract, allowed suppression, reproductive failure or even death. Sea turtles may besides mistake tar balls for food.
  • Sea turtles tin can inhale harmful chemicals when they surface to breathe, which tin atomic number 82 to irritation and inflammation of the respiratory passages, emphysema or pneumonia.
  • Oil spills can also affect marine food webs, with sea turtles ingesting animals that accidentally consume the oil.
  • Sea turtles covered in oil tin also suffer chemical burns or skin irritation.
  • If oil reaches nesting beaches, it can also dramatically decrease hatching success.
    • Immediately after the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill, 278 bounding main turtle eggs (mostly loggerheads) were collected from northern Gulf of Mexico nesting beaches and cared for until they hatched. The hatchlings were released off Florida'due south Atlantic coast to reduce the possibility of hatchlings inbound oil-covered waters.

Sea turtles oft suffer propeller and collision injuries from unintentional boat strikes. These types of injuries are more frequent in areas with a high level of recreational boating, such every bit southern Florida, the Florida Keys, and the United states Virgin Islands.

Sea turtle in a shallow coral reef


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